Webinar Q4-2024:
VariableManager: Extended search options;
Automatic Mates: Admin access to create PASCAM
Mates, Query required Reference dimension faces;
Model database/Modifications: Improved value
violation dialog; Model recalculate: Enhanced
value violation dialog; Quick Variable: Display
of value violations
Q3-2024: VariableManager:
Administration of icons for query dimensions;
Modifications: Use of min./max. values; Model
database: Use of min./max. values; Automatic
Mate with Reference Dimensions
Webinar Q2-2024:
Material assignment: Restructured material
overview, optimized selection of subassemblies;
Automatic Mates: SOLIDWORKS Width Mates
implemented, more flexible application of mates,
Overwriting option, Additional input box, Other
operations at the options dialog box
Webinar Q1-2024:
Material assignment: Warning note for
write-protected models; Modification 2.0:
Filtering by tag settings, Input via term list;
Applying standard modifications
Webinar Q4-2023:
Modifications 2.0: Automated error checking at
the "Saving" process, Converting modification
models to current SOLIDWORKS version; New,
Automatic mates
Webinar Q3-2023: PASCAM Bea:
CNC simulation; Automatically create drawings /
Generate PDF for purchased parts; Feasibility
report for CNC machining network
Webinar Q2-2023:
VariableManager: Term list editing; PASCAM
Manager: Filtering automatic joints; PASCAM
Model Database: Replace Components with
database models; PASCAM Bea: Efficient
switching between Bea machining features
Webinar Q1-2023:
VariableManager: Reference Dimensions with
configured names, Restore inheritance,
Material dialog: General improvements,
improved performance
Webinar Q4-2022:
VariableManager: Reference
Dimension generation simple,
Reference Dimension generation,
Updating the Variables list at
the auxiliary dimension window
Webinar Q3-2022:
Database update: Improved update
process of the database and
hardware component models; Model
database: Additional icons for
hardware component models; Model
database: Extended view of
storage information; Hardware
components: Additional security
prompt of the timestamp
Webinar Q2-2022:
Hardware components: Simplified
transfer of file properties from
the active Hardware component
model; Added search box for
Hardware components; Improved
timestamp for hardware component
modifications; Improved expert
view for modifications;
Modification 2.0: Manual
conversion process; Added icons
for Hardware components/Quick
Webinar Q1-2022:
Assign material: Scale
appearance of carrier material;
PASCAM Options: Automatic
database update; Modification
2.0: Enhanced conversion
options; Quick Joints
(Modification 2.0): Intelligent
Feature name recognition; Quick
Joints (Modification 2.0): File
properties at equations
Webinar Q3-2021:
Additional Hardware component specifications:
'Must trigger', 'Collision area' and 'Must be
area'; Hardware component: Modification
performance; Quick Joints: Modification 2
Webinar Q2-2021:
Quick Joints: User dialog extension and Help
files; Hardware component center: Abort option,
new status bar layout, new result report icons
and quicker updating process
Webinar Q1-2021:
VariableManager: Thresholds values for the
inheritance process; ConditionManager: Easier
identification of incorrect conditions, improved
status bar; Automatic Hardware components:
Enhanced specifications for target elements
Webinar Q4-2020:
PASCAM Manager: Extended display of file
informations; VariableManager: Protection of
inherited equations against changes, consistency
check for broken inheritances and inconsistent
equations; Automatic hardware component:
Predefining nnchangeable models for the
modification process
Webinar Q3-2020:
VariableManager: Combining multiple search
boxes, better visualization of incorrect
equations; Replace and Move sub-assemblies
maintains existing model parametrics; PASCAM
Manager: Can replace sub-assemblies, improved
visualization; Improved control when switching
Webinar Q2-2020:
Table heights preset option at the Material
dialog; Automatic display update of the open
model at the Material dialog; Enhanced
appearance of material decals; Threshold factor
for delayed material thickness calculation;
Numerous functional enhancements at the PASCAM
Webinar Q1-2020: PASCAM Manager:
Enhanced manual editing options; VariableManager:
Filter for Modification names,
Improved performance when switching documents