PASCAM Machine Edition OEM
Since January 2008 we are able to provide PASCAM Bea directly as an OEM version without an additional, separate SOLIDWORKS® license. This CAM software package is called:
"PASCAM Machine Edition – a CAM package powered by SOLIDWORKS Parts and Assembly"
The PASCAM Machine Edition is a full-fledged, CAD/CAM system for the woodworking sector, containing our woodworking applications PASCAM WoodWorks and PASCAM Bea and is running on a SOLIDWORKS® OEM version.
We have deliberately abandoned the SOLIDWORKS® software module 'Drawings' at the compilation of this OEM software bundle. Due to the flexible SOLIDWORKS® licensing we could meet on the one hand the requirements of a powerful CAM solution, while keeping the costs low on the other hand and pass the resulting savings to our retail customers. The restriction that the 2D drawing derivation is in this case not available for the user seems not unfavorable, keeping in mind that the purpose of the PASCAM Machine Edition is a pure CAM workseat for the direct control of a woodworking CNC machine.
This OEM option enables PASCAM to keep the costs low with flexible licensing options and a choice of software modules that can be configured to meet the exact requirements of our CAM solution.
The advantage for retail/end consumers is obvious:
purchasing the CAM system PASCAM Bea more cost-effective, because the additional SOLIDWORKS® license can be omitted.
- competent and direct CAM support from PASCAM, the developer of the woodworking CAM system PASCAM Bea.
Also our SOLIDWORKS® resellers - with whom we will continue to
cooperate trustfully - will profit from the option to offer our CAM
system PASCAM Bea with all capabilities at reduced prices.
This will help them to arrange even more competitive offers and sell
also the fully SOLIDWORKS® integrated all-inclusive PASCAM WoodWorks
CAD or PASCAM Bea CAD/CAM packages to customers from the woodworking
sector. Additionally the SOLIDWORKS® dealer can ignore the CNC
support completely since this responsibility is clearly on behalf of
Background info:
The SOLIDWORKS® OEM program provides the framework for development
partners, like PASCAM, to embed SOLIDWORKS® within their original
software or hardware products. Please see the SOLIDWORKS®
program page for more information.