SOLIDWORKS Solution Partner
PASCAM WoodWorks was appreciated worldwide as the first CAD engineering application for woodworking companies as a Solution Partner product for SOLIDWORKS®. This status is granted by SOLIDWORKS® only at high customer satisfaction and good integration into the basic CAD software. The Solution partners' status is a quality characteristic for a partner product which embeds itself seamlessly in SOLIDWORKS®. Primarily the main Solution partner products come from the mechanical or metal engineering industry, which is the typical application sector of the SOLIDWORKS® CAD system. With PASCAM WoodWorks there is finally a powerful CAD system available for woodworking companies with the official status of a SOLIDWORKS® Solution partner product.
And what's the advantage for our customers?
At the moment the SOLIDWORKS® Solution partner program includes more
than 1,000 companies, integrating their solutions into the SOLIDWORKS®
software. Thus more software and hardware products are compatible with
SOLIDWORKS® than with any other 3D-CAD software. This way our
customers profit from an extensive solution offer for all ranges of design and
manufacturing problems. The SOLIDWORKS® Solution partner program aims
to optimize the productivity of the SOLIDWORKS® user by means of
system solutions around the main design tasks.
The world-wide network of SOLIDWORKS® Value Added Resellers, as well as prospect customers can get information very easy on our Solution partner product PASCAM WoodWorks at the SOLIDWORKS® partner desktop:
- The PASCAM WoodWorks link to the SOLIDWORKS Partner Desktop.
Because the products of SOLIDWORKS® and PASCAM are developed to meet the demand and challenges of a global customer base, we have the ambition to deliver convincing and efficient results with our software solutions in a very dynamic and continuous improvement process at all time. This shared commitment to deliver solution-oriented applications and exceptional services, will bring our costumers enhanced capabilities in designing, modeling and manufacturing their products with SOLIDWORKS® and will provide them with the unrivaled SOLIDWORKS® Solution partner product PASCAM WoodWorks to stay on top of this development on the long run.